Просмотр полной версии : читы....помогите реализовать

11.04.2011, 21:48
Мне нужно любым методом в игре по локальной сети
активировать читы,а именно
минералы,газ,ускореное строительство,неограниченное количество воиск(юнитов)
и всё.
Я то сам против читов но хочется с другом устроить месиво))
Слыхал есть всякие Хаки...Oblivion....

12.04.2011, 01:27
Что,никто не может помочь?

[7x]Злобный Head
12.04.2011, 02:52
Играй честно.

12.04.2011, 06:13
Не написано, про какой старкрафт речь. Если про первый, хаками можно побаловаться, если у друга нет антихаков. Если про второй, то забей сразу - читерить там нереально, а твой акк пожизненно забанят за любую попытку манипулировать пакетами.

12.04.2011, 17:52
Злобный Head;10386']Играй честно.

я всегда играл честно
но на этот раз тоже честно.У меня и у друга будет хак,чтоб ускорить игру да и вообще устроить мясорубку.

Речь идет о StarCraft

Я нашел какието но немогу понять в каком есть эти хаки,из вышеперечисленных.Можете сказать название хака?
Вот что я нашел http://www.blizzhackers.cc/viewtopic.php?t=421042
Я думаю с ними все сталкивались=)

12.04.2011, 19:14
Feature List:
-Build Anywhere
-Always Show Download Stats
-Custom Screenshots (any format can be configured as long as the extension is 6 or less characters long)
-Map Name on startup
-Hide/Show leaderboard
-Start With No Opponents
-Start With Downloaders
-Allow selecting of traps when they aren't shooting
-State Hack (only works on bunkers, transports, and eggs)
-Always spoof 100% Download status
-Host Coloring
-3 State Maphack
-Perfect clientside clicks
-Sprite Crash Protection against the sprite used in Sniper v333F*
-Sprite Crash Protection against the sprites used in Miles Laser Tag v87 Final*
-Portrait Crash Protection
-Lag Defender
-Sprite Counter
-State hack (Incomplete)
-Disable Warning Messages
-Color Notifications
-Show all pings
-Color pings according to player color
-spoof saving/loading (cobra compatible)
-MultiCommand (with single command style option)
-Time Stamps in Channel
-Global AutoQueue
-Global AutoUpgrade
-Global AutoStim
-Infinite COP actions
-Hold position button for workers
-Worker Suicide button for workers
-BanListing with IP support
-AutoBanList Banned players
-remove prompts when kicking/banning people
-Unit Command Vector Drawing
-Show Locations
-Private Channels
-Text Macros
-Music Player Controller with iTunes and WinAMP
-Area of Effect Box Drawing of weapon based attacks
-modified directories
-Create/Remove computers in UMS**
-Change Races in UMS**
-EUD detection protection

* selecting the invalid units that you can now see with sprite crash protection may crash you to crash
** only works if you are host of the game


/spoof <text> ;spoofs to the desired text
/realname ;spoofs to your original name. alias (/rn)
/spooflist ;shows a list of all the spoofs from Spoofs.txt. alias (/sl)
/spoofnumber <number> ;spoofs to the spoof on that line in Spoofs.txt (refer to spooflist command to get the spoof numbers). alias (/sn)
/spoofsave ;saves your current spoof to your Spoofs.txt file. alias (/ss)
/blshow ;shows a list of all the names banned and IPs banned. alias (/bls)
/bladd <text> ;adds the name to your banlist. alias (/bla)
/bladdip <text> ;adds the IP to your banlist. alias (/blaip)
/blremove <text> ;removes the name from your banlist. alias (/blr)
/blremoveip <text> ;removes the IP from your banlist. alias (/blrip)
/bmblocks <number> ; sets the number of blocks to space apart buildings with BuildingMatrix. alias (/bmb)

Lobby & In-Game only:
/blnadd <number> ;adds the desired player number's name and IP to the banlist. alias (/blna)
/msay <macro name> ;runs the macro from your Text Macros folder. alias (/ms)

In-Game only:
/kill ;kills the currently selected workers.

Channel only:
/joinp <text> ;joins the private channel with that name. alias (/jp)


F1 - Toggle Lag Defender
F2 - Cycle Unit Command Vector mode
CTRL + F2 - Cycle Unit Command Vector coloring mode
ALT + F2 - Toggle Unit Command Vectors over/under units
F3 - Toggle Show Locations
F4 - Toggle AOE Box Drawing
F5 - Toggle AutoMine
F6 - Cycle BuildingMatrix state forward
CTRL + F6 - Cycle BuildingMeatrix state backward
F7 - Toggle UnitAlert
F11 - Toggle Global AutoQueue
CTRL + F11 - Toggle Global AutoUpgrade
ALT + F11 - Toggle Global AutoStim
F12 - Toggle AuotQueue/AutoStim/AutoUpgrade for currently selected units
Insert - Cycle maphack forward
CTRL + Insert - Cycle maphack backward
ALT + Insert - Toggle target clicks
~/ALT - toggle multicommand
CTRL + ~/ALT - toggle multicommand worker protection
Home - Play/Pause current iTunes/WinAMP Song
Page Up - skip to the previous iTunes/WinAMP Song
Page Down - skip to the next iTunes/WinAMP Song
Pause|Break - Pauses/Unpauses the game the game

GUI Components:

The MenuBar is located on the right side of the starcraft window. you can use it to open/close varius GUI components.
Left Click an item to open it
Right Click an item to close it

-3 pages
--Page 1
--Page 2
---Army Size
--Page 3
---Aliance Matrix

Displays all unit types owned by a player and how many of each. use the left and right arrows to cycle players and up and down arrows to scroll through units

shows how many units are on the map (1700 = max)

Modified Button Sets:
Some buttons have been added to starcraft:
-Worker Suicide (hotkey W)
-Hold Position [for workers] (hotkey H)

Music Player Controler:
shows current artist and track name. Also shows the current position in the song and the song length
-use the tracker bar to drag your playback location to somewhere different
buttons at the bottom (from left to right):
-rewind/skip backwards button
--press this button to skip backwards
--hold this button to rewind the current track
-Play/Pause button
--press this button to play/pause the current track
-fast forward/skip forward button
--press this button to skip to the next song
--hold this button to fast forward the current track

This control is only displayed if iTunes or WinAMP is detected.

General window controls:
-click and drag the top bar of a window to move it
-right click the top bar of a window to toggle opacity
-double click the top bar of a window to colapse/expand
-left click buttons on the window to interact with it

Spoofer Escape Sequences:
sequence - explanation
\\ - creates a backslash (/)
\V - reverts to color code last used (won't work consecutively)
\B - sets the following characters to be blue
\G - sets the following characters to be green
\L - sets the following characters to be light green
\D - sets the following characters to be dark grey (color can't be changed again after this)
\W - sets the following characters to be white
\R - sets the following characters to be red
\X - sets the following characters to be black
\T - inserts a tab character
\C - inserts a center justify character
\J - inserts a right justify character
\n - inerts a new line character (note may cause problems with saving)
\xXXX - XXX is a 3 digit decimal number. This inserts the character with that ascii value

New file locations:
-Screen shots will now be in: <starcraft directory>\Screenshots\
-Errors will now be in: <starcraft directory>\Errors\Epicsauce\
-Errors will now be seperated into txt files with version and timestamp on them

File Explanations:
Settings.ini - all configuration is done through this file. Changes only take effect when the hack is first injected
Spoofs.txt - stores saved spoofs. Changes immediately take effect
BanListNames.txt - stores saved banned names. Changes immediately take effect
BanListIPs.txt - stores saved banned IPs. Changes Immediately take effect

Macro File Setup:
To add more macros, open your Text Macros folder included with the hack and add a new txt file and name it what you want the name of the macro to be. Then proceed to add lines to the macro file. Lines should be setup like this:

delay in milliseconds


included with the download are some sample macros.

Добавлено через 6 минут
Ну и MDropHack тля троллинга подольска

13.04.2011, 09:29
Низачот, плохо понтанулся. Надо было сюда ещё дизассемблированный код хака выложить.

14.04.2011, 22:09
simple)zerg(,Я ненашел тут добавление минералов,газа,ускоренное строительство,неограниченное количество воиск(юнитов).
Какие комбинации клавиш делают это?Или я чтото не понимаю.....

15.04.2011, 09:18
simple)zerg(,Я ненашел тут добавление минералов,газа,ускоренное строительство,
Эти дырки залатали.
Хотите так играть - пилите собственную карту в мап едиторе.
Алсо, выделение как в СК2 там есть(255 max)

15.04.2011, 16:54
simple)zerg(,значит нужно установить раннюю версию?Где есть эти дырки...